Renungan Shabbat Shalom:

"777" (Bagian Pertama)

Renungan shabbat shalom ini akan membahas secara detail tentang arti atau makna 777 dalam kaitannya dengan Elohim YAHweh, dua saksiNya, kemah suci Musa, peta zaman manusia, hari-hari rayaNya, tahun Yobel yang tersembunyi 5777 baik secara gematria, matematika (bilangan prima dan palindrom) maupun kode interval tertentu (biasa dikenal sebagai bible code).

Frasa pertama di dalam Tanakh dengan gematria total 777 dijumpai di dalam Kejadian 1:1:
Pada awalnya Elohim menciptakan langit dan ha'arets.
Kata Elohim langit ha'arets (אלהים השמים הארץ) ini memiliki gematria 86 + 395 + 296 = total 777. Bilangan 777 sendiri memiliki faktor bilangan prima 3 x 7 x 37, di mana sama dengan 21 x 37. Keliling dari persegi panjang dengan ukuran 21 x 37 ini adalah 112, yang mana 112 adalah gematria dari frasa Elohim YAHweh (אלהים יהוה) 86 + 26 = 112. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa Elohim yang menciptakan langit / shamayim dan ha'arets (dalam 7 hari penciptaan yang dilanjutkan dalam 7 hari Tuhan dalam peta zaman manusia yang terkait dengan 7 perangkat utama dalam kemah Musa dan 7 hari-hari rayaNya itu) adalah Elohim YAHweh.

The second phrase that has gematria 777 is
found in Genesis 1:14 And Elohim says, "Let there be illuminating bodies on the horizon in heaven to separate day from night, and they are there for signs and for seasons and for days and years.
The phrase "on the horizon in the sky" ברקיע השמים has a standard gematria of 777. While the phrase "let there be light objects" יהי מארת has a standard gematria 666. This gives an understanding of the false light of the anti-HaMashiakh with his followers who worship the armies of heaven (see shabbat shalom devotional with the title Counting the Number of a Man). Only the light of God in heaven and the new ha'arets (the new Jerushalayim) will enlighten His servants (Revelation 22:3-5; Revelation 21:23).

The Tanakhs of the Torah, Ketuvim and Neviim are written in 305,486 Hebrew words. In the order of the books which has been set by this body when taken the word that is in the middle of the word 152743 falls on the book of Isayah 12:6
"Cry out and cheer, you who dwell in Tsion, for be great in the midst of you The Mahakadosh Yisrael", right in the word in your midst (בקרבך). It is stated that the arrangement of the order of the books in the Tanakh is not a coincidence, all are wisdom (chokmah חָכמָה Elohim) YAHweh. In Isayah 12:6 it is the great word in your midst the Almighty (גדיל בקרבך קדיש) has an echotria of 43 + 324 + 410 = a total of 777. The presence of God in the midst of His people is what will happen manifestly in the Kingdom of a Thousand Years of Peace on the 7th day of the Lord's map of the time of man, God YAHweh camped out to be King over all ha'arets (Zechariah 14:9) in the person of the Lamb and the body of HaMashiakh. And it is not a coincidence that the middle word is the 152743, in which there is no number 6, which states that the physical man (adam who was created on the 6th day) did not participate in the kingdom of a thousand years of peace. The sum of the numbers that make up the 152743 is 1 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 4 + 3 = a total of 22 according to the number of Hebrew alphabets from Aleph to Taw, which represents the Lord YAHshua HaMashiakh as the Word that became flesh. The prime number of 152,743 is 1 x 23 x 29 x 229, when summed up the prime number is 1 + 23 + 29 + 229 = a total of 282, of which 282 is palindrom 37. Whereas when done the sum in the order of the prime number is 1 + 10 + 11 + 51 = total 73. The numbers 37 and 73 when multiplied, 37 x 73 = total 2701 is the total echotria of all the words in Genesis 1:1. And 37 and 73 when put together the number 7 into 373 is an echo of yahweh eloheynu (יהיה אלהיני) in shema Yisrael (Deuteronomy 6:4), so that everyone who says the words shema Yisrael actually recognizes that God YAHweh is the God who created the heavens / shamayim and ha'arets (earth). Amazingly, it is not a coincidence that His Word has hidden things that Ruakh YAH Kadosh told the children of Elohim YAHweh (i.e. the physical YAHudi and the spiritual YAHudi) at the end of this age. That is the wisdom (chokmah חָכמָה) Elohim YAHweh in the creation of the heavens / shamayim and ha'arets, where the word wisdom is chokmah חָכמָה this has a standard gematria 73 and gematria ordinal 37 equal to the prime number factor of Genesis 1:1.

The number 777 can also be obtained from 7 x 111, where 111 represents the Hebrew letter aleph א. This aleph is written אָלֶף which has gematria 1 + 30 + 80 = 111, and 111 it can also be written as אאאא. The letter aleph א is commonly interpreted constructed from two yod letters and one letter waw, which have gematria 2 x 10 + 6 = gematria total 26 which is the same as gematria God Name YAHweh (יהיה). This gives the understanding that both the Father, the Son and Ruakh HaKadosh (Matthew 28:19) become one (echad) in one name, Elohim YAHweh who reigns over the 7 days of creation, 7 days of the map of the time of man, 7 of His feast days and the 7 main devices in the tent of Moses.

When multiplication of 7 x 7 x 7 = 343, where 343 is the standard echotria of the word Ark of Elohim (arun Elohim ארין אלהים) in 1 Samuel 3:3. That is the meaning of the ark of His covenant as a symbol of the feast of Sukkot in the Kingdom of a Thousand Years of Peace in ha'arets.

In the 'fierce' debate among the children of God YAHweh about the Personal Name of the Son written in Hebrew both the Name yeshua (ישיע) and YAHshua (יהישע) in search of the true Name of the Child, has rendered His children not in unity (echads). But the truth has stated that both those who call the Son by the Name of Yeshua and by the Name of YAHshua must be one (echad) as the Father and the Son are also echad in the Name of God YAHweh (see shabbat shalom devotional with the title One (Echad) in the Ark of His Covenant at Sukkot). Why is that?
For both the name Yeshua (ישיע) with gematria 386 and the name YAHshua (יהישע) with gematria 391, when made into one (echad) where 386 + 391 = 777. This states the children of Elohim YAHweh as His two witnesses in this last age (see shabbat shalom devotional with the title Two Witnesses) either who become like YAHudi physically calling the Name of the Child by the Name of Yeshua or who becomes the spiritual YAHudi who calls the Name of the Child by the Name of YAHshua, will be one (echad) in ONE NAME OF GOD I.E. Elohim YAHweh. This is what must happen as both the physical YAHudi and the spiritual YAHudi are both in the body of HaMashiakh. And it is no coincidence that next year in the Hebrew calendar is the year 5777, a very good time to realize this unity in the city of Sur'Aba'YAH in prayer and fasting (yom kippur because according to the map of the age of man today the 6th day corresponds to his 6th feast with the symbol of atonement). Each of His children killed the physical man and the soul to become spiritual man in the unity of the body of HaMashiakh by Ruakh YAH Kadosh.


Palindroms are numbers or numbers that have the same numbers. Paying attention to the relationship of a twin number (such as 777) to its palindrom number gives the understanding of a truth hidden in the Tanakh. A more detailed discussion of this palindrom in the second part of this shalom shabbat musing.

YAHmen haleluYAH 😊👍

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