Aluahym atau Alahym?

Aluahym atau Alahym? Apa pelafalan yang tepat? Apa perbedaan antara keduanya? Apakah ada referensi reputasi dari mana Anda mendapatkan kata-kata? Boleh minta linknya? Terima kasih.

Ha'Sham (The Name) YAHUAH יהוה
(sounds like)
Our אבה Abah (Father) אלוה Aluah (Almighty One) in Shamym (Heaven)
Translated: "IAM" who "IAM"
YAHUSHA Ha'Mashyach המשיח יהושע
(sounds like)
The Son of YAHUAH
Translated: IAM/YAH who is Salvation, The Anointed One
Ruach Ha'Qadash רוח הקדש
(sounds like)
ROO•aKh Ha KAh•DahSh
Translated: The Set Apart Spirit of YAHUAH
Alaph-Thu את YaHUaH יהוה Abah אבה (Father) Aluah אלוה (Al-Mighty One)
Alaph-Thu את YaHUShA יהושע Ha'Mashyach המשיח (The Anointed One)
Alaph-Thu את Ruach Ha'Qadash רוח הקדש (His Righteous Spirit)
Aluahym אלוהים Aluahym (All Mighty One's) H430
Aluahym אלועהים
Alahym אלהים
Aluah אלוה (Mighty One) H433
Aby אבי (Father of me) H21
Ab אב (Father) H1
Am אם (Mother) H517
Ban בן (Son) H1123
Bath בת (Daughter) H1323
Adun (Master) אדון H113
AmanuAl (Al with us) עמנואל H6005
Mashyach משיח (Anointed One) H4899
Thurah/Torah (Thoō-RAH') תורה H8451(YAH's Law and Instructions)
Thanak תענך H8590 (Old Testament)
Baryth Chadashah ברית חדשה (New Testament)
Yardan H3383 Jordan primitave root Yarad H3381 (a river)
Uqarath וקראת H7121 (To call, call out, recite, read, cry out, proclaim)
Bashurah בשורה (Good News/Tidings)
Baruk ברוך (Bless)
Abary עברי (Hebrew)
Shabath שבת H7673
Shalam שלם H7999
Shalum שלום H7965
Yasharal ישראל H3478
Sala סלע H5554 (The Rock)
You're welcome Al la da-bar על לא דבר
Baraq ברק (lightning) H1300
Guy גוי H1471 "gooee" (Gentile/Nation/Heathen/People)
nation, people
usually of non-Hebrew people
of descendants of Abraham
of Israel
of swarm of locusts, other animals
Etymology of the word Hallelujah
The word Hallelujah consists of two elements. It ends with יה (Yah) = יהו (Yahu) in turn are abbreviated forms of Abah YAHUAH, and it starts with an imperative form (that means it's a command) of the root הלל (halal):
HalaluYAH הללויה (Praises to YAHUAH)
HalaluYAHUAH הללויהוה (Praises to YAHUAH)
YAHU= יהו Both Father, and Son have this in their name, as well as many prophets that are spoken of in the Tanak. Then to get Father's name right, the Hay is aH anywhere other than
the beginning of a word. In the beginning of a word the Hay is Ha, and means "The".
The aH in YAH applies to the next Hay as well. So it is rendered as Yad Hay Uau Hay יהוה YAHUAH.
For the Son's name, the same YAHU is found, but the end is slightly different. It has a Shan,
and then an Ayn. Yad Hay Uau Shan Ayn spells יהושע YAHUSHA, which means יהוה YAHUAH is salvation! HalaluYAHUAH! I hope and pray this can help clear up the rampant confusion.
Benjamin Netanyahu (Banyamyn Nathanyahu) - בנימין נתיהו Even bears witness to the Yahu name.
Thudah rabah Masphachah משפחה תודה רבה (Thank you very much Family)
Modern Aramaic Yiddish Hebrew for days of the week:
Yom Rishon- First Day (Sunday)
Yom Sheini- Second Day (Monday)
Yom Shlishi- Third Day (Tuesday)
Yom R'vi'i- Fourth Day (Wednesday)
Yom Chamishi- Fifth Day (Thursday)
Yom Shishi- Sixth Day (Friday)
Yom Shabbat- Seventh Day (Saturday)
Abary/Paleo/Yahudyath/Old Hebrew days of the week:
Yum Achad - First Day (Sunday)
Yum Shanym- Second Day (Monday)
Yum Shalush- Third Day (Tuesday)
Yum Raba - Fourth Day (Wednesday)
Yum Chamash - Fifth Day (Thursday)
Yum Shash - Sixth Day (Friday)
Yum Shaba - Seventh Day (Saturday)
1 through 12 in Abary עברי (Old Hebrew):
Achad - One -1
Shanym - Two -2
Shalush - Three -3
Raba - Four -4
Chamash - Five -5
Shash - Six -6
Shaba - Seven -7
Shamanah - Eight -8
Thasha - Nine -9
Ashar - Ten -10
Ashar Achad - Eleven -11
Ashar Shanym- Twelve -12
Chadash חדש New Month/Moon (H2320 H2318)
Thurah/Torah (Thoō-RAH') תורה H8451(YAH's Law and Instructions)
Thanak תענך H8590 (Old Testament)
Baryth Chadashah ברית חדשה (New Testament)
Barashyth בראשית -Genesis
Shamuth שמות -Exodus
Uyqara ויקרא -Leviticus
Bamadabar במדבר -Numbers
Ha'Dabarym הדברים -Deuteronomy
Yahusha Ban Nun יהושע -Joshua
Shaphatym שפטים -Judges
Ruth רות -Ruth
Shamual שמואל Achad -1 Samuel
Shamual שמואל Shanym -2 Samuel
Malakym מלכים Achad -1 Kings
Malakym מלכים Shanym -2 Kings
Dabary HaYamym Achad הימים דברי -1 Chronicles
Dabary HaYamym Shanym הימים דברי -2 Chronicles
Azara עזרא -Ezra
Nachamyah נחמיה -Nehemiah
Hadasah הדסה -Esther
Ayub איוב -Job
Thahalym תהלים -Psalms
Mashalym משלימ -Proverbs
Qahalath קהלת -Ecclesiastes
Shyrym Shalamah/Shyr השירים שיר -Songs of Solomon
Yashayahu ישעיהו -Isaiah
Yaramyahu ירמיהו -Jeremiah
Aykah איכה -Lamentations
Yachazaqal יחזקאל -Ezekiel
Danyal דניאל -Daniel
Husha הושע -Hosea
Yahual יהואל -Joel
Amus עמוס -Amos
Ubadyah עבדיה -Obadiah
Yunah יונה -Jonah
Mykyah מיכיה -Micah
Nachum נחום -Nahum
Chabaquq חבקוק -Habakkuk
Tsaphanyah צפניה -Zephaniah
Qurantym Achad-1 Corinthians
Qurantym Shanym-2 Corinthians
Thasalunahqym Achad-1 Thessalonians
Thasalunahqym Shanym-2 Thessalonians
Tymathyas Achad-1 Timothy
Tymathyas Shanym-2 Timothy
Abarym עברימ-Hebrews
Kapha Achad-1 Peter
Kapha Shanym-2 Peter
Yahuchanan Achad-1 John
Yahuchanan Shanym-2 John
Yahuchanan Shalush-3 John
Yahudah יהודה -Jude
Chazun- Revelation
The personal name of יהוה YAHUAH was replaced 7,000 times with the titles in the Masoretic Text from the original Hebrew manuscripts. It was replaced/changed with titles, and ended up with Adonai 113 times later.
Al means Almighty One. Aluahym is a title that means Mighty One's used for deity in Abary/Hebrew scripture
roughly 2,500 times. The title in Hebrew is a plurality and shows the presence of the
יהוה YAHUAH, יהושע YAHUSHA, and The רוח הקדש Ruach Ha Qadash (The Set Apart Spirit) at creation to present day, and forever.
Ragshaa”, which in English means “Sons of thunder”,
In Deuteronomy 32:8 the Masoretic text uses the term "children of Israel."
The Septuagint uses the term "Cherubs Of Elohim" as do the Dead Sea Scrolls.
In Genesis 10:24 the Masoretic text is missing generations. The New
Testament in Luke 3:36 inserts Canaan as does the Septuagint and the Dead Sea
Scrolls, leaving 3 biblical witnesses.
In the Masoretic text Exodus 1:5 and Gen 46:27 states that 70 souls came to
Egypt from Canaan. But the Septuagint and Dead Sea Scroll say 75 souls.
In Isaiah 53 the Masoretic is missing a key word in verse 11. After the word
"see", there should be another word "light" qualifying what the Suffering Servant
sees. But the missing word LIGHT is found in the Septuagint, and the Dead Sea
The Masoretic text takes the word for pierced in Psalm 22:16 (a clear
crucifixion Psalm) kaaru and changes the last letter from a vav to a yud. The
change of letter changes the meaning from pierced my hands, and feet, to lion, as
in as a lion they are at my hands and feet. The Septuagint has pierced from the
original Hebrew karu not kaari. According to the Dead Sea Scrolls dated about
100 BCE, the Hebrew Word in verse 16 is kaaru pierced and not lion. Not only
that but the Aramaic Peshitta also agrees with the Septuagint.
In Isaiah 61:1 the Masoretic does not contain the phrase "recovery of sight to
the blind." Yet Luke 4:18 does as does the Septuagint.
In Psalm 40:6 the Masoretic text has purposely changed the phrase "a
BODY you have prepared for me", as properly quoted again in Hebrews 10:5,
and verified by the Septuagint and also the Dead Sea Scrolls to the phrase "you
have opened up my ears."
Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day. (RSV)
Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Sound the ram's horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our Feast; (NIV)
Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. (KJV)
Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow up the trumpet <H7782> in the new moon <H2320>, in the time appointed <H3677>, on our solemn feast day. (KJV)
HRB- Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow the ram's horn in the new moon, on the covered moon, on our feast day.
Cepher- Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow the shofar in the new moon, at the covering, leading to our feast day.
H7782 showphar {sho-far'} or shophar {sho-far'}
from H8231 in the original sense of incising; TWOT - 2449c; n m
1) horn, ram's horn
So then corrected from 7782 above:
Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow the ram’s horn in the new moon in the time appointed <H3677>, on our feast day.
H3677 kece' {keh'-seh} or keceh {keh'-seh}
apparently from 03680; TWOT - 1006; n m
1) full moon
We can see that "in the time appointed" is an incorrect translation because it would have to have the Hebrew word "moed" in the text and it does not.
The word actually used is the above kece', meaning covered moon.
So corrected by 3677 kece” Psalm81:3 Blow the ram’s horn in the new moon, in the covered moon, on our feast day. (KJV)
H3680 kacah {kaw-saw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1008; v
AV - cover 135, hide 6, conceal 4, covering 2, overwhelmed 2, clad 1,
closed 1, clothed 1; 152
1) to cover, conceal, hide
From kece's root Strong’s Hebrew word number H3680 "kecah" (above), we can see that it means covered moon only in the sense of hidden or concealed meaning covered in darkness. As a word cannot have an opposite meaning to its root.
The covered moon cannot be a full moon, one covered in light, as that would reveal not conceal. The root of kece' is kecah and means to cover, conceal, hide. Therefore the covering that conceals the moon would have to be darkness.
So corrected by kecah the proper translation would have to be:
Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow the ram’s horn at the new moon, at the covered in darkness (hidden) moon, on our feast day.
Or better yet:
Tahalym-Psalms 81:3 Blow the ram’s horn at the dark new moon today on our feast.
H3680 kacah {kaw-saw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1008; v
AV - cover 135, hide 6, conceal 4, covering 2, overwhelmed 2, clad 1,
closed 1, clothed 1; 152
1) to cover, conceal, hide.
Abary עברי Alaph-Byth or Alphabet
A, B, G, D, H, U, Z, Ch, T, Y, K, L, M, N, S, A, Ph/P, Ts, Q, R, Sh, and Th.
Alaph Byth Gamal Dalath Ha Uau Zan Chath Tyt Yad Kaph Lam Mym Nun Samakh Ayan Pah Tsad Quph Rash Shan Thu
The word Hebrew does not even contain one Oat/ letter that would make the H sound. Here is the spelling in Oats!
From right to left that would be, Ayan-Byth-Rash-Yad! עברי
There is no, Ha, that would give an H sound so what is the actual pronunciation of the word known today as, "Hebrew?" It is Abary with no vowels or ibriy with vowels points. I know this might not mean much to some people, but those in the pursuit of truth will delight in this discovery! The Hebrews are actually called the Abarym!
Many people who may have grown to know the Hebrews and correlate them to the scriptures don’t know that the word Hebrew is a mistranslation of the name Abary! First off there are no i, e, w, v or o in the true Abary! alaph byth, so with that being said the word Hebrew is proven to be erroneous!
Abary H5680 עברי ‛ibrı̂y in the brown driver Briggs is defined as, "One From Beyond."
1) a designation of the patriarchs and the Israelites (noun proper) 2) a designation of the patriarchs and the Israelites (adjective)
The erroneous term, Hebrew Israelite, is simply proving what Mashah/ Moses told us in Dabarym/ Deuteronomy 28:37 - And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither Yahuah shall lead thee!
"Abary/Hebrew - Alaph Byth"
This comprehensive chart of the 22 characters of the Alaph Byth (alphabet) will equip you with a basic understanding of the ancient language of the Scriptures.
Modern Hebrew is not the same as Ancient Abary/Hebrew, this is the alaph-byth without vowel points.
1. א …Alaph is spelled אלף , and gives the sound of ‘ah’ as in what. Definition: hence, to learn, teach, utter, to make or bring forth a thousand (s), family, or taming an ox/cow. H 502- 507.
2. ב …Byth is spelled בית and gives the sound of ‘b’ as in boy. Definition: house, building, home, family, prison/dungeon, the, within, temple, or land. H 1004-1006.
3. ג …Gamal is spelled גמל , and gives the sound of ‘g’ as in goat. Definition: to treat a person well or ill, to wean, reward, do good, camel, or yielded. H 1580-1581.
4. ד …Dalath is spelled דלת , and gives the sound of ‘d’ as in dog. Definition: something swinging, door, valve of a door, gates or leaves. H 1817.
5. ה …Ha is spelled הא , and gives the sound of ‘ha’ as in hot at the beginning of a word, and ‘ah’ in Yahudah elsewhere in a word. Definition: lo!, behold, even, or the. H 1887- 1888.
6. ו …Uau is spelled וו , and gives the sound of ‘u’ as in true. . Definition: hook, nail, peg, add, or and. H 2053.
.7 ז …Zan is spelled זן , and gives the sound of ‘z’ as in zebra. Definition: nourished, form, different kinds, cut off or sort. H 2177-2178.
8. ח …Chath is spelled חת , and gives a sound that is not known in the English language: the hard guttural. is represented by ‘ch’, but the guttural sound is not ‘ch’ as in chair. The guttural sound is almost equivalent to hocking up a loogie in the throat, remember this rule whenever you see ‘ch’ in Hebrew. When found at the end of a word, the chath gives the guttural ‘ach’ (ahk) sound. Definition: crushed, afraid, broken, terror, dismayed, or dread. H 2844.
9. ט …Tyt is spelled טיט , and gives the sound of ‘t’ as in tiger. Definition: sticky, mud, clay, dirt, or calamity. H 2916.
10. י …Yad is spelled יד , and gives the sound of ‘y’ as in yard at the beginning of a word, and‘ee’ as in speed elsewhere in a word. Definition: hand, side, border, hand measure, portion, arm, manhood (male sex organ), or power. H 3027-3028.
11. כ …Kaph is spelled כפ , and gives the sound of ‘k’ as in kept. When written at the end of a word, kaph is ך, this is referred to as the final form. Definition: hollow hand, palm, power, handful, spoon, or hollow rock. H 3709-3710.
12. ל …Lamad is spelled למד , and gives the sound of ‘l’ as in lump. Definition: goad, teach, learn, instruct, or expert. H 3925.
13. מ …Mym is spelled מים , and gives the sound of ‘m’ as in man. When written at the end of a word, mym is ם, this is referred to as the final form. Definition: juice, water, urine, semen, springs, flood, or chaos. H 4325.
14. נ …Nun is spelled נון , and gives the sound of ‘n’ as in now. When written at the end of a word, nun is ן, this is referred to as the final form. Definition: to re-sprout, to be perpetual, or to be continued. H 5125-5126.
15. ס …Samak is spelled סמך , and gives the ‘s’ sound as in so. Definition: to take hold of, lay, stay, sustained, stand fast, lean, or established. H 5564.
16. ע …Ayn is spelled עין , and gives a soft ah. Definition: eye, to see, experience, sight, appearance, pleased, presence, favor, knowledge, or resemblance. H 5869-5870-5871.
17. פ …Pah is spelled פה , and gives the sound of ‘ph’ Definition: mouth (blowing), speech, sentence, appointment, edge, opening, utterance, command, evidence, or spoken. H 6310-6311.
18. צ …Tsad is spelled צד , and gives the sound ‘ts’ as in cats. When written at the end of a word, tsad is ץ, this is referred to as the final form. Definition: side, to saddle off, concerning, or adversary. H 6654-6655.
19. ק …Quph is spelled קוף , and gives the sound of ‘ku’ as in cooper. Definition: monkey or ape. H 6971.
20. ר … Rash is spelled ראש , and gives the sound of ‘r’ as in raw. Definition: head, chief, captain, top, or first. H 7217-7220.
21. ש …Shan is spelled שן , and gives the sound of ‘sh’ as in shout Definition: sharp tooth, ivory, cliff, teeth, or consume. H 8127-8129.
22. ת …Thu is spelled תו , and gives the sound of ‘th’ as in think. Definition: signature, mark, or set a mark. H 8420, 8427.
The Scriptures True Names and Their Meanings
Genesis = Barashyth (ba ra-ah-sheeth)…בראשית : in the beginning.
Exodus = Shamuth (sha-mooth)…שמות : and these were the names.
Leviticus = U Yaqara (oo-ya-ka-ra)…ויקרא : and he called forth.
Numbers = Bamadabar (ba-mawd-abar)…במדבר : in the wilderness.
Deuteronomy = Ha Dabarym (awl-ah- ha- da-ba-reem)…הדברים: these are the words.
Joshua = Yahusha (ya-hoo-shah’)…יהושע : Yahuah is salvation.
Judges = Shaphatym (sha-fa-teem)…שפטים: judges/vindicators.
Ruth = Ruth (rooth)…רות : companion/friend.
Samuel = Shamu‘al (sha-moo-awl)… שמואל: heard of Aluahym.
Kings = Malakym (ma-la-keem)…מלכים: kings/rulers.
Chronicles = Dabary HaYamym (da-ba-ree – ha – ya-meem)…הימים דברי: the matters of the days.
Ezra = `Azara (`ahz-a-ra)… עזרא: aid.
Nehemiah = NachamYah (na-kham-yah)…נחמיה: consolation.
Ester = Hadasah (ha-da-sah)…הדסה: myrtle.
Job = ‘Ayub (aee-oob)…איוב: persecuted.
Psalms = Thahalym (tha-ha-leem)…: the praises.
Proverbs = Mashaly (ma-sha-lee)… משלי: byword/adage.
Ecclesiastes = Qahalath (ka-ha-lawth)…קהלת: preachers/lecturer.
Songs of Solomon = Shyr Ha Shyrym (sheer ha- shee-reem)…השירים שיר: sing the songs.
Isaiah = YashaYahu (ya-shah ya-hoo)…ישעיהו: salvation of Yahuah.
Jeremiah = YaramYahu (ya-ram ya-hoo)… ירמיהו: Yahuah is exalted
Lamentations = ‘Aykah (ee-kah)… איכה: how!
Ezekiel = Yachazaq‘al (ya-ka-zahk-ale)… יחזקאל: strengthened of Aluahym.
Daniel = Dany‘al (dan-ee-ahl)… דניאל: judge of Aluahym.
Hosea = Husha (hoo-shah)…הושע: deliverer, savior.
Joel = Yahu‘al (ya-hoo-ale)… יהואל: Yahuah is mighty.
Amos = `Amus (ah-mooce)… עמוס: burdensome.
Obadiah = `AbadYah (ah-bahd-yah)… עבדיה: bondman of Yahuah.
Jonah = Yunah (yoo-nah)… יונה: dove (from the warmth of mating).
Micah = MykYah (mee-kah or meek-yah)… מיכיה or מיכה: who is for Yahuah
Nahum = Nachum (na-khoom)… נחום: comforted, consoled.
Habakkuk = Chabaquq (kha-ba-khook)… חבקוק: to clasp the hands, or embrace.
Zephaniah = TsaphanYah (tsa-fahn-eeah)… צפניה: Yahuah has hidden.
Joshua- Real Name is Yahusha= “YAHUAH is Salvation”
Samuel- Real Name is Shamual= “Listen to YAHUAH your Aluah”
Isaiah- Real Name is Yashayahu= “Salvation is YAHUAH”
Jeremiah- Real Name is Yaramyahu= “The Resurrection/Rising is YAHUAH”
Ezekiel- Real Name is Yachazaqal= “YAHUAH is a Righteous Aluah”
Daniel- Real Name is Danyal “The decision is YAHUAH's our Aluah”
Hosea- Real Name is Husha= “The Deliver is YAHUAH”
Joel- Real Name is YahAl= “YAHUAH is Aluah”
Amos- Real Name is AHmoce= “YAHUAH’s Burden”
Obadiah- Real Name is UbadYAHU= “The Servant of YAHUAH”
Jonah- Real Name is YunAH= “YAHUAH provides Warmth”
Micah- Real Name is MykahYAHU= “Who is like YAHUAH”
Nahum- Real Name is NachUm= “Comfort comes from YAHUAH”
Habakkuk- Real Name is ChabaqUq= “Embrace YAHUAH”
Zephaniah- Real Name is TsaphanYAHU= “The Secret is YAHUAH”
Haggai- Real Name is ChagaYAH= “The Celebration is YAHUAH”
Zechariah- Real Name is ZacharYAHU= “YAHUAH Remembers”
Malachi- Real Name is MalakYAH= “Messenger of YAHUAH”
Job- Real Name is YAHshub= “YAHUAH Will Return”
Ezra- Real Name is AzrAH= “Our Help is YAHUAH”
Nehemiah- Real Name is NachamYAH= “Consoled by YAHUAH”
Matthew- Real Name is MathathYAHU= “The gift is YAHUAH”
Mark- Real Name is Marqus= “Man of YAHUAH”
Luke- Real Name is Luqas= “The Light is YAHUAH”
John- Real Name is YAHUchanan= “YAHUAH is Grace”
Timothy- Tymathyas= “Dear to Aluah”
Titus- Tytus
Philemon- Φιλήμων = “Friendly”
James- Real Name is YAHqub= “YAHUAH rises up”
Peter- Real Name is KaphAH= “The Rock is YAHUAH”
Jude- Real Name is YAHUdAH= “YAHUAH’s Worshipers and Followers”
This is amazing to find out! Nearly every one of their names has a part of YAHUAH's name in it. And everyone of their names "testifies" and tells something about who YAHUAH is to us that believe in and call on His Name.
Now let's continue on by looking at the first Chapter of Mathathyahu (sn- Matthew). It gives the geneology from AbrAHam to the Savior YAHUsha the Mashyach (MessiYAH):
1ST Chapter of Mathathyahu (The Gift is YAHUAH) verses 2-16:
Abram- AbrAHam- “The Father YAHUAH of a Multitude”
Isaac- Yahsak- “YAHUAH Laughs”
Jacob- YAHqub- “YAHUAH Succeeds”
Judah- YAHUdah- YAHUAH’s Worshipers and Followers
Perez- means “A Break”
Zerah- ZarAHk- “The Rising of Light is YAHUAH”
Hezron- Chatsrun
Ram- Rahm “YAHUAH Is the Highest”
Amminadab- AmynAHdaab- “People of YAHUAH are at Liberty”
Nashon- NAHchashun- “YAHUAH’s Enchanter”
Salmon- SalmAH- “Clothing Provided by YAHUAH”
Boaz- Bo’az
Rahab- RAHchab- “YAHUAH is Proud”
Obed- Ubad- Serving
Ruth- RUth- “YAHUAH’s Friend”
Jesse- YashAHy “The Existence of YAHUAH Continues”
David- Dud- “Love YAHUAH”
Solomon- ShalumAH “The Peace of YAHUAH”
Uriah- UrYAHU- “The Flame of YAHUAH”
Rehoboam- RachAHbam “The people of YAHUAH has Enlarged”
Abijah- AbYAHU “Fathered by YAHUAH”
Asa- AHca “YAHUAH Heals”
Jehoshaphat- YAHUshaphat- “YAHUAH is the Judge”
Joram- YAHUram “YAHUAH Raised”
Uzziah- UzYAHU- “Strength of YAHUAH”
Jotham- YAHtam- “YAHUAH is Perfect”
Ahaz- “AHchaz- YAHUAH is the Possesor”
Hezekiah- YAHchyzqYAHU- “Strengthened of YAHUAH”
Mannasseh- ManAHshah- “YAHUAH Made Me Forget”
Amon- AHmun “YAHUAH Trains”
Josiah- YoshYAHU- “Founded of YAHUAH”
Jeconiah- YakunYAHU- “YAHUAH Will Establish”
Shealtiel- ShaltYahAl- “I have asked YAHUAH Aluah”
Abiud- AbyahUd “Renowned is YAHUAH”
Eliakim- AlYAHqym “Aluah YAHUAH is Raising”
Azor- AzzUr “Helpful is YAHUAH”
Zadok- TsAHdoq “YAHUAH is Right”
Achim- YAHqiym “YAHUAH Rises”
Eliud- AlyUd “Aluah YAHUAH of Majesty”
Eleazar- AlaHzar “Aluah YAHUAH is Our Helper”
Matthan- Mathan “A present”
Jacob- YAHqub- “YAHUAH Succeeds”
Joseph- YAHUsaph “YAHUAH Increases”
YAHUsha “YAHUAH is Salvation”
-End of Names from MathathYahu 1:2-16 (I think we are starting to get the point of who the Creator and the Savior is- YAHUAH).
Vowel points:
Masoretic points, or vowel points (Nikud) added to Abary (Hebrew), or as the system is now called, Masora from MASSOREH ("tradition"), and MASAR ("to hand down"). The rabbis who busied themselves with the Masorah were called Masoretes.
They were also the inventors of the Masoretic points, which are supposed to give the wrongfully called vowelless words of the Scriptures their true pronunciation and meanings by the addition of points representing vowels to the consonants.
This was the invention of the rabbis of the School of Tiberius (in the ninth century CE/AD). By doing this they attached their understanding to the words and names in their texts of the Hebrew Bible.
The Masoretes (ba'alei hamasorah, Hebrew בעלי המסורה) were groups of mostly Karaite scribes and scholars working between the 7th and 11th centuries, based primarily in present-day Israel in the cities of Tiberias and Jerusalem, as well as in Iraq (Babylonia). Each group compiled a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides in the form of diacritical notes on the external form of the Biblical text in an attempt to fix the pronunciation, paragraph and verse divisions and cantillation of the Jewish Bible, the Tanak, for the worldwide Jewish community. (See the article on the Masoretic text for a full discussion of their work.)
The ben Asher family of Masoretes was largely responsible for the preservation and production of the Masoretic Text, although an alternate Masoretic text of the ben Naphtali Masoretes, which differs slightly from the ben Asher text, existed. The halakhic authority Maimonides endorsed the ben Asher as superior, although the Egyptian Jewish scholar, Saadya Gaon al-Fayyumi, had preferred the ben Naphtali system, because ben Asher was a Karaite. The ben Asher family and the majority of the Masoretes appear to have been Karaites. Geoffrey Khan says that it is now believed that they were not.
The Masoretes devised the vowel notation system for Hebrew that is still widely used, as well as the trope symbols used for cantillation.
The ancient Hebrew and the Hebrew spoken by The Messiah did not have vowel points. They were added to the Hebrew (Abary) text.
Biblical Heritage Center
Here is a quote from the NIV Life Application Study Bible:
"In regard to the divine Name YHWH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the "DEVICE" used in most English versions of rendering (that name) as "LORD" in capital letters"
NOT only did they tamper with the Father’s Name יהוה YAHUAH, but obviously also with the Messiah’s Name, and the majority of other names in Scripture.
The letter “J” still does not exist in Hebrew or Greek. “Jesus” never occurs in The Original [Hebrew] Scriptures. The first 4 editions of The King James "Bible" carried the [Roman] Catholic Vulgate “Iesous or Iesus.” In around 1628, “Iesus” was changed in the KJV to “Je-sus”, where it has been popularized till today.
The letters I E O V, and W are from vowel points. Remove the vowel points, and the Yiddish V and W to find true Hebrew/Abary language.
Shockingly enough, there are people who exist and firmly attest that Modern Hebrew (an Aramaic mix) cannot be read without vowel points. The Babylonian Talmud is written without vowel points. Ancient Abary/Hebrew is written without vowel points, as well as most of The Dead Sea Scrolls…may these documents serve as a witness against these people.
The scribes hid it with titles from us for a while. It has been brought back now as it was written. Aluahym means (Mighty One's), and the others reflect His deity, and nature as well. Many have searched, and found the truth. יהושע YAHUSHA is called many titles, and He and the Father are One/United. Master, and Adonai (Adun) mean the same thing, that we belong to Ab יהוה YAHUAH, and יהושע YAHUSHA Messiah (Mashyach). The true Word also calls shatan/satan a aluah, but not Aluah (Almighty One), like how the KJV uses god vs. God. Gad/God is a Babylonian deity of fortune, and a generic pagan title for a super human, troop/troops, and a tribe of Israel/Yasharal.. Lets not continue in falacies handed down to us, but seek the truth as it is written without preconceived notons, and false traditions of men.
Ignorance is a choice in the Information Age.
The true Name is spreading rapidly among many believers.
At the same time, new errors are being invented by those who have little information about Abary/Hebrew, and those who don't know the language was attacked to keep everyone from pronouncing the Names correctly.
The Masoretes fouled the vowels with vowel points, causing the letter ALAPH to be treated as “E,” and the letter UAU to be an “O” "V" "W" rather than a U.
YAHU became YEHO, influencing all transliterations.
The myth that Hebrew "has no written vowels" is false. The Name is written with four vowels. The Hebrew vowels are ALAPH, AYN, YAD, UAU, and HAY, which happens to be every letter in the Father's name. All vowels, not unpronouncable consonants as we were taught before.
These became our modern A, E, I, U/O.
The lack of the letters “J” and “W” (double-U) in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin are being discovered by large numbers of people.
Variances of transliterating the four vowels yad-hay-uau-hay will continue, so we have to be tenderhearted with all those who understand differently.
The Hebrew letter UAU became the Greek Upsilon, and then went into the Latin.
UPSILON is our modern letter U.
The Latin shape for U is “V” – and in the 1400’s this developed into a double “V” (Germanic Yiddish VV) because a typesetter combined two letters into one piece of type, creating the letter “double-U, which is a vowel, and said as a U as in trUth.”
One of the refinements is to correct the error of all those using the “W” in transliteration, and going with the one letter, U.
HallelU-Yah is not hallelW-Yah, correctly transliterated it is HalaluYAH, and neither is YAHUDAH to be YahWudah, or Judah. Shalum is not shalwm, shalom, or shalvm. The original "Hebrew" is not confused.
יהוה YAHUAH and יהושע YAHUSHA are the most accurate transliterations, and should be what the next generation inherits

on Senin, 28 Juni 2021 | A comment?
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