(H3068 יהוה) + (H433 אלוה)

Transliterated: Y•aH•Uu•aH Ah•LUu•aH
Translated: (Who exists, Who was, and Who is to come, The Eternal IAM) את
Abynu אבינו (Our Father) יהוה YAHUAH
Ha'AlShady האלשדי (The Almighty)
in Ha'Shamaym (The Heavens).

YAHUSHA Ha'Mashyach
(H3091 יהושע) + (H4899 המשיח)
Transliterated: Y•aH•Uu•Sh•Ah Ha'Ma•Shee•YaKh
The את Son (Ban) of את YAHUAH יהוה Aluah
Translated: IAM (YAH) who is (U) Salvation (Yasha)
The Anointed One (Ha'Mashyach).

Ruach Ha'Qadash
(H7307 רוח) + (H6942 הקדש)
Transliterated: RUu•aKh Ha'Khah•DahSh
Translated: The את Set Apart/Tsadaq Spirit of
יהוה YAHUAH.
את Alaph-Thau יהוה YAHUAH יהושע YAHUSHA אלוהים Aluahym
המשיח Ha'Mashyach המושיח Ha'Mushyach

On the sign over Mashyach's head at Calvary was written: Translated as YAHUSHA The Nazarene and King of the Jews.
Ha'Natsary הנצרי
U'Malak ומלך
Ha'Yahudym היהודים
Y י
aH ה
U ו
aH ה
AbYahua אבִיהוּא (Father YAHUAH) H29 H30 from
Ab אב (H1) and Hua הוּא (to be, become, exist, happen) H1931 root word to H1933
YAH יה (IAM) H3050
YAHU יהו (Family name)
H1935 הוֹד Hud H1936 הוֹד Hud "splendour"
YAHUAH יהוה (Creator's name) H3068
YAHUSHA יהושע (The Son of YAHUAH) H3091
Aluahym אלוהים (Mighty One's) H430
AmanuAl/EmmanuEl עמנואל (Aluah with us) H6005
Ruach רוח (Spirit) H7307
Yashayahu ישעיהו (Isaiah) H3470
Yaramyahu ירמיהו (Jeremiah) H414
Ruth רות (Ruth) H7372
Baruk ברוך (Blessed) H1263
Abynu אבינו (Our את Father) H1
Yahuchanan יהוחנן (John) H3110
Zakaryahu זכרְיהו (Zechariah) H2148
Yahudah יהודה (Judah) H3063
Apharym אפְרַיִם (Ephrayim) H669
Yahudym יהודים (Jews, Covenanted people) H3063-4
Nastarym נצרים (Nazarene) H5341
Yarushalaym ירושלים (Jerusalem) H3389
Yarushalam ירושלם (Jerusalem) H3390
YasharAl ישראל (Israel) H3479
Yahudyath יהודית (Paleo Hebrew, Phoenician) H3066
from Yahud יהוד H3061-3/Yahudah יהודה + Yath ית (mark of the direct object) H3487
137 prophets bear witness to YAHU as a part of their name, and 72 ending with YAHU.
Benjamin Netanyahu (Banyamyn Nathanyahu) - בנימין נתניהו Even bears witness to YAHUAH's name.
Names Ending in 'YAHU' Yad Hay Uau- יהו
Concordance ref.:
H29 אביה Abyah "YAHUAH is (my) father"
H30 אביהוא Abyahua "YAHUAH he is (my) father"
H138 אדניהו Adanyahu "my Master is YAHUAH"
H223 אוריהו Auryahu "YAHUAH is my light (flame)"
H274 אחזיהו Achazyahu "YAHUAH holds, possesses"
H281 אחיהו Achyahu "brother of YAHUAH (Yahu)"
H452 אליהו Alyahu "YAHUAH is Aluahym (Elohiym)"
H558 אמציהו Amatsyahu "YAHUAH is mighty"
H568 אמריהו Amaryahu "YAHUAH speaks" or "YAHUAH has promised"
H683 אצליהו Atsalyahu "YAHUAH has reserved (set apart)"
H1141 בניהו Banyahu "YAHUAH has built" or "YAHUAH has built up"
H1296 ברכיהו Barakyahu "YAHUAH blesses"
H1436 גדליהו Gadalyahu "YAHUAH is great"
H1587 גמריהו Gamaryahu "YAHUAH has accomplished"
H1735 דודויהו Duduyahu "beloved of YAHUAH"
H1806 דלייהו Dalayahu "YAHUAH has drawn"
H2069 זבדיהו Zabadyahu "endowment of YAHUAH"
H2148 זכריהו Zakaryahu "YAHUAH remembers"
H2396 חזקיהו Chazaqyahu "YAHUAH is my strength"
H2518 חלקיהו Chalaqyahu "my portion is YAHUAH"
H2608 חנניהו Chananyahu "YAHUAH has favoured"
H2811 חשביהו Chashabyahu "YAHUAH has considered"
H2882 טבליהו Tabalyahu "purified by YAHUAH"
H2899 טוב אדֹניהו Tub Adanyahu "my Master is good"
H2900 טוביהו Tubyahu "YAHUAH is good"
H2970 יאזניהו Yaazanyahu "YAHUAH hears"
H2977 יֹאשיהו Yashyahu "whom YAHUAH heals"
H3000 יברכיהו Yabarakyahu "YAHUAH blesses"
H3012 יגדליהו Yagdalyahu "YAHUAH is great"
H3153 יזניהו Yazanyahu "YAHUAH has listened"
H3165 יחדיהו Yachadyahu "YAHUAH is unity"
H3169 יחזקיהו Yachazaqyahu "YAHUAH has made strong"
H3203 יכליהו Yakalyahu "YAHUAH is able"
H3204 יכניהו Yakanyahu "YAHUAH will establish"
H3269 יעזיהו Yaazyahu "made bold by YAHUAH"
H3404 יריהו Yarayahu " taught by YAHUAH"
H3414 ירמיהו Yaramyahu "whom YAHUAH has appointed"
H3449 ישיהו Yashyahu "YAHUAH will lend"
H3460 ישמעיהו Yashamayahu "YAHUAH will hear"
H3470 ישעיהו Yashayahu "YAHUAH has saved"
H3562 כונניהו Kunanyahu "YAHUAH has established"
H3659 כניהו Kanyahu "YAHUAH will establish"
H3663 כנניהו Kananyahu "YAHUAH establishes"
H4321 מיכיהו Mykyahu "who is like YAHUAH"
H4441 מלכיהו Malakyahu "my king is YAHUAH"
H4590 מעזיהו Maazyahu "consolation of YAHUAH"
H4641 מעשיהו Maashyahu "work of YAHUAH"
H4737 מקניהו Maqanyahu "possession of YAHUAH"
H4920 משלמיהו Mashalamyahu "whom YAHUAH repays"
H4983 מתניהו Mathanyahu "gift of YAHUAH"
H4993 מתתיהו Mathathyahu "gift of YAHUAH"
H5374 נריהו Naryahu "lamp of YAHUAH"
H5418 נתניהו Nathanyahu "given of YAHUAH"
H5565 סמכיהו Samakyahu "YAHUAH has sustained"
H5662 עבדיהו Abadyahu "servant of YAHUAH"
H5718 עדיהו Adyahu "YAHUAH has adorned Himself"
H5812 עזזיהו Azazyahu "YAHUAH is mighty"
H5818 עזיהו Azyahu "my strength is YAHUAH"
H5838 עזריהו Azaryahu "YAHUAH has helped"
H6271 עתליהו Athalyahu "afflicted of the YAHUAH"
H6305 פדיהו Padayahu "YAHUAH has ransomed"
H6410 פלטיהו Palatyahu "YAHUAH delivers"
H6667 צדקיהו Tsadaqyahu "YAHUAH is righteous"
H6846 צפַניהו Tsaphanyahu "YAHUAH has treasured"
H6984 קושיהו Qushayahu "bow of YAHUAH"
H7345 רהביהו Rachabyahu "YAHUAH has enlarged"
H7425 רמליהו Ramalyahu "protected by YAHUAH"
H7645 שבניהו Shabanyahu "increased by YAHUAH"
H7935 שכניהו Shakanyahu "dweller with YAHUAH"
H8018 שלמיהו Shalamyahu "repaid by YAHUAH"
H8098 שמעיהו Shamayahu "heard by YAHUAH"
H8114 שמריהו Shamaryahu "kept by YAHUAH"
H8203 שפַטיהו Shaphatyahu "YAHUAH has judged"
H8304 שריהו Sharyahu "YAHUAH is ruler"
Names Begin with "YAHU יהו"
H3057 יהודיה Yahudyah "Jewess"
H3058 יהוא Yahua "YAHUAH is He"
H3059 יהואחז Yahuachaz "YAHUAH has seized"
H3060 יהואש Yuhuash "given by YAHUAH"
H3061 יהוד Yahud "the territory of the tribe of Judah (Yahudah)"
H3062 יהודי Yahudy "Jew, and person in covenant with YAHUAH"
H3063 יהודית Yahudah (Judah) "YAHUAH is praised"
H3064 יהודי Yahudy "Jew, and person in covenant with YAHUAH"
H3065 יהודי Yahudy "Jew, and person in covenant with YAHUAH"
H3066 יהודית Yahudyath "in the Jewish language, in Abryth"
H3067 יהודית Yahudyath "in the Jewish language, in Abryth"
H3068 יהוה YAHUAH "Father Almighty's name"
H3070 יהוה YAHUAH יראה Yarah "YAHUAH sees"
H3071 יהוה YAHUAH נסי Nasy "YAHUAH is my banner"
H3072 יהוה YAHUAH צדקנו Tsadaqanu "YAHUAH is our righteousness"
H3073 יהוה YAHUAH שלום Shalum "YAHUAH is peace"
H3074 יהוה YAHUAH שםה Shamah "YAHUAH is there"
H3075 יהוזבד Yahuzabad "YAHUAH endowed; Yahuzabad, the name of three Israelites"
H3076 יהוחנן Yahuchanan "YAHUAH has given mercy"
H3077 יהוידע Yahuyada "YAHUAH knows"
H3078 יהויכין Yahuyakyn "YAHUAH establishes"
H3079 יהויקים Yahuyaqym "YAHUAH raises up"
H3080 יהויריב Yahuyaryb "YAHUAH contends"
H3081 יהוכל Yahukal "YAHUAH is able"
H3082 יהונדב Yahunadab "YAHUAH is willing"
H3083 יהונתן Yahunathan "YAHUAH has given"
H3084 יהוסף Yahusaph "YAHUAH has added"
H3085 יהועדה Yahuadah "YAHUAH has adorned"
H3086 יהועדין Yahuadyn "YAHUAH delights"
H3087 יהוצדק Yahutsadaq "YAHUAH is righteous"
H3088 יהורם Yahuram "YAHUAH is exalted"
H3089 יהושבע Yahushaba "YAHUAH has sworn"
H3090 יהושבעת Yahushabath "YAHUAH is an oath"
H3091 יהושע YAHUSHA "YAHUAH is salvation"
H3092 יהושפָט Yahushaphat "YAHUAH has judged"
1 With "YAHU יהו " in the Middle:
H454 אליהועיני Alyahuayny "unto YAHUAH are my eyes"
Yashayahu ישעיהו Isaiah
42:8 I am יהוה YAHUAH, that is My Name!
Uyaqara ויקרא Leviticus
19:12 You must NOT swear falsely by My Sham (name),
profaning the Sham of your Aluah; I am יהוה YAHUAH.
Mashalym משלימ Proverbs
30:4 Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists?
Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His
Name, and what is His Son’s Name, If you know it?
Yashayahu ישעיהו Isaiah
45:11 I, I am יהוה YAHUAH; and there is
no Savior (Mushyach) without Me.
12 I declared, and I saved, and I
proclaimed; and there shall not be foreign
אלוהים aluahym among you. And you are
My witnesses, says יהוה YAHUAH, and I am Al.
13 Yea, from this day I am He, and
no one delivers from My hand. I will
work, and who will reverse it?
26:12 In which also traveling to
Damascus with authority and decision
power from the chief priests,
13 at midday along the highway, O
king, I and those with me saw a light
from heaven shining around me above
the brightness of the sun.
14 And all of us falling to the ground,
I heard a voice speaking to me, and
saying in the Abryth "Hebrew" dialect, Shaul,
Shaul why do you persecute Me? It is
hard for you to kick against the stakes.
15 And I said, Who are you, Sir? And
He said, I am יהושע YAHUSHA whom
you persecute;
16 but rise up and stand on your feet,
for it is for this reason I appeared to
you, to appoint you a servant and a
witness both of what you saw, and in
what I shall appear to you,
17 having delivered you from the
people and the nations, to whom I now
send you,
18 to open their eyes, and to turn
them from darkness to light, and from
the authority of Satan to יהוה YAHUAH,
in order that they may receive remission
of sins, and an inheritance among
those being sanctified by belief in Me.
Yahuchanan יהוחנן John
5:43 I have come in the name of My
Father (יהוה YAHUAH), and you do not
receive Me (יהושע YAHUSHA). If
another comes in his own name, you
will receive that one.
Mathathyahu מתתיהו Matthew
1:21 And she will bear a son, and you
shall call His name יהושע YAHUSHA, for
He shall save His people from their sins.
(Ex 23:21, Acts 4:12)
Yahuchanan יהוחנן John
14:6 יהושע YAHUSHA said to him, I am the
Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No
one comes to the Father except
through Me.
4:12 And there is salvation in no other
man, for neither is
there any other name under the Heavens
having been given among men by which
we must be saved.
Romaym Ρωμαιους Romans
10:9 Because if you confess the Master
יהושע YAHUSHA with your mouth,
and believe in your heart that יהוה YAHUAH
raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For the heart which believes in
Him shall be declared righteous (tsadaq),
and the mouth that confesses Him shall
Yahuchanan יהוחנן John
3:5 יהושע YAHUSHA answered, Truly, truly I
say to you, that if a man is not born
from water and Spirit, (רוח Ruach) he is not
able to enter into the kingdom of יהוה YAHUAH.
Chazun חזון Revelation HRB
22:4 And they will see His face; and His
name will be on their foreheads. (Rev14:1)
λευκός -Luke
10:16 The one listening to you listens to
Me, and the one rejecting you also
rejects Me, and the one rejecting Me
also rejects the One having sent Me.
17 And the seventy returned with joy,
saying, Master (Adun), even the demons
are subject to us through Your Name.
18 And He said to them, I saw Satan
falling out of The Heavens (Ha'Shamaym)
as lightning! (baraq H1300)
19:11 And יהוה YAHUAH did great works of
power through the hands of Paul,
12 so as even handkerchiefs or rags
from his body to be brought onto those
sick, and the diseases to be released
from them, and the evil spirits to go
out from them.
13 But certain Jew (Yahudy) excorcists, who went about
exorcising evil spirits, undertook to
name the name of the Master יהושע YAHUSHA
over those having evil spirits, saying,
We adjure you by יהושע YAHUSHA
whom Paul preaches.
14 And there were seven sons of
Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, doing this.
15 But answering the evil spirit said,
יהושע YAHUSHA I recognize, and Paul I know,
but who are you?
16 And the man in whom was the
evil demon leaped upon them, and
overpowered them, and threw them
down: And they fled out of the house
naked and wounded.
Yashayahu ישעיהו Isaiah
66:4 I shall also choose their punishments, and bring their fears on them. Because I called, but no one answered. I spoke and they did not hear, and they did evil before My eyes, and chose what was displeasing to Me.”
5 Hear the Word of יהוהYAHUAH, you who tremble at His Word, “Your brothers who hate you, who cast you out for My name’s sake, said, ‘Let יהוה YAHUAH be esteemed, so that we see your joy.’ But they are put to shame.
6 A roaring sound from the city, a voice from the Hykal, the voice of יהוה YAHUAH, repaying His enemies!
Thahalym תהלים Psalms
91:14 “Because he cleaves to Me in love,
Therefore I deliver him; I set him on high,
Because he has known My Name.
15 “When he calls on Me,
I answer him;
I am with him in distress;
I deliver him and esteem him.
16 “With long life I satisfy him,
And show him My deliverance.”
Mathathyahu מתתיהו Matthew
19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters,
or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake,
shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
9:13 And Hananyah answered, 'Master, I have heard from many
about this man, how many evils he did to your set-apart ones
in Jerusalem (Yarushalaym), and here he has authority from the chief
priests to bind all those calling on Your Name".
But the Master said to him,
"Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My Name before
nations, sovereigns, and the children of Isreal (Yasharal).
For I shall show him how much he has to suffer for My Name".
Yahuchanan יהוחנן John
10:28 And I give eternal life to them,
and they shall not perish forever! And
not anyone shall snatch them out of
My hand.
29 My Father who has given them to
Me is greater than all, and no one is
able to snatch out of My Father's hand.
30 I and the Father are one (achad H258).
Malaky מלאכי Malachi
2:1 And now, O priests (kahan), this
command is to you.
2 If you will not hear, and if you will
not set it on your heart to give esteem to
My name, says יהוה YAHUAH of Hosts,
then I will send the curse on you, and
I will curse your barakah (blessings). And
indeed, I have cursed it, because you
are not setting it on your heart.
3 Behold, I am rebuking your seed,
and I will spread dung on your faces,
the dung of your solemn feasts; and
one will lift you up to it.
4 And you shall know that I have
sent this command to you, to be My
covenant with Levi, says הוה YAHUAH
of Hosts.
Malaky מלאכי Malachi
3:13 Your words have been strong
against Me, says יהוה YAHUAH. Yet you
say, What have we spoken against
Yaramyahu ירמיהו Jeremiah
16:19 יהוה YAHUAH, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress, to you the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say,
20 Can man make aluahym (mighty one's) for himself? Yet they are not aluahym (mighty one's)!
21 “Therefore I will teach them this time I will teach them My power and might. Then they will know that My name is יהוה YAHUAH.
Yashayahu ישעיהו Isaiah
42:8 I am יהוה YAHUAH, that is My Name!
Yaramyahu ירמיהו Jeremiah
23:25 I have heard what the prophets
said, those who prophesy lies in My
name, saying, I have dreamed, I have
26 How long is this there in the
heart of the prophets, the prophets of
lies; yea, the prophets of the deceit of
their own heart?
27 They plot to cause My people to
forget My name by their dreams which
they tell, each one to his neighbor,
even as their fathers have forgotten
My name for Baal (Lord H1168).
28 The prophet who has a dream, let
him tell his dream. And he who has
My Word, let him speak My Word
faithfully. What has the chaff to do
with the wheat, says יהוה YAHUAH?
29 Is not My Word thus like fire,
says יהוה YAHUAH, and like a hammer
which breaks a rock in pieces?
30 Therefore, Behold, says
יהוה YAHUAH, I am against the prophets
who steal My Words, each one from
his neighbor.
Malakym מלכים Achad 1 Kings
18:21 And Elijah (Alyah) came near all the
people and said, Until when are you
limping over two opinions? If
יהוה YAHUAH is אלוהים Aluahym, follow
Him; and if Baal (Lord-H1168), follow him.
But the people did not answer him a word.
Yaramyahu ירמיהו Jeremiah
12:16 And it shall be, if they will
diligently learn the ways of My people,
to swear by My name, As יהוה YAHUAH
lives, as they taught My people to
swear by Baal (Lord-H1168), then they will be
built in the midst of My people.
17 But if they will not obey, then I
will tear out that nation, I will tear and
destroy it says יהוה YAHUAH.
Yashayahu ישעיהו Isaiah
65:9 And I will bring forth a seed out of
Jacob (Yaqab), and out of Judah (Yahudah)
one to inherit My mountains. And My elect
shall inherit, and My servants shall live
10 And Sharon shall be a fold of
flocks; and the valley of Achor (trouble) a
resting place of herds for My people
who have sought Me.
11 But you are those who forsake
יהוה YAHUAH, who forget My Qadash
mountain; who array a table for Gad/God/Gawd
(The Babylonian Deity of fortune and luck -H1408),
and who fill mixed wine for Meni/Many (The
Deity of fate -H4507).
12 And I will number you to the
sword; and you shall all bow down to
the slaughter; because I called and you
did not answer. I spoke, and you did
not hear; and you did the evil in My
eyes; and you chose that in which I
had no pleasure.
13 So Master (Adun H113) יהוה YAHUAH says this:
Behold, My servants shall eat, but you
shall be hungry. Behold, My servants
shall drink, but you shall be thirsty.
Behold, My servants shall rejoice, but
you shall be ashamed.
14 Behold, My servants shall sing for
joy of heart, but you shall cry from
heartbreak, and howl from breaking of
15 And you shall leave your name for
a curse to My elect. And Master (Adun H113)
יהוה YAHUAH shall kill you; and He shall
call His servants by another name.
Husha הושע Hosea
2:16 And at that day, says יהוה YAHUAH,
you shall call Me, My husband (Aysh); and
you shall no more call Me, Baaly (My lord H1168).
17 For I will take away the names of
the Baalym (lords H1168) out of her mouth; and
they shall no more be remembered by their
18 And in that day I will cut a
covenant for them with the beasts of
the field, and with the birds of the
heavens, and the creepers of the
ground. And I will break the bow and
the sword, and the battle out of the
earth, and I will make them to lie
down securely.
19 And I will betroth you to Me
forever. Yes, I will betroth you to Me
in righteousness, and in judgment,
and in mercy, and in compassions.
Ha'Dabarym הדברים-Deuteronomy
18:17 And יהוה YAHUAH said to me, They
have spoken well, what they have said.
18 I shall raise up a prophet to them
from among their brothers, one like
you; and I will put My Words in his
mouth; and he shall speak to them all
that I shall command him. (Joh 1:21,
Joh 5:45-47, Joh 6:14, 7:40 )
19 And it shall be, whoever will not
listen to My Words which he shall
speak in My name, I will require it at
his hand.
20 But the prophet who presumes to
speak a word in My name, that which I
have not commanded him to speak,
and who speaks in the name of other
mighty ones, even that prophet shall die.
Romaym Ρωμαιους Romans
11:4 But what says the word of יהוה YAHUAH to him?
I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men, who
have not bowed the knee to the image of Ba'al (Lord H1168).
Yashayahu ישעיהו Isaiah
42:8 I am יהוה YAHUAH; that is My name;
and I will not give My esteem to another,
nor My praise to engraved images.
Thahalym תהלים Psalms
81:8 My people, listen, and I will testify
against you, whether you will listen to
9 There shall be no strange Al (Mighty One)
among you; and you shall not worship a
foreign deity. (Is 42:8, Ex 22:20, 23:13)
Shamuth שמות Exodus
23:13 And be watchful in all that I have
said to you. And you shall not call
upon another אלוה aluah (mighty one) by name;
it shall not be heard from your mouth.
The Third Commandment strictly forbids taking
the name of יהוה YAHUAH, in vain shav (shua without vowel points).
Lexicon :: Strong's H7723 - shua/shav' שָׁוְא
The KJV translates Strongs H7723 in the following manner:
vain (22x), vanity (22x), false (5x), lying (2x), falsely (1x), lies (1x).
Yashayahu ישעיהו Isaiah
42:8 I am יהוה YAHUAH, that is My Name!

on Senin, 28 Juni 2021 | A comment?
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